Poet Joe Bolton, having just completed his MFA thesis at the University of Kentucky, killed himself. (1990)

Joe Bolton was from Cadiz, Kentucky. It may sound like a strange place to be from, and I imagine it is, but some of the happiest time ever spent on earth I imagine was spent by me, and in Cadiz Kentucky, a few months before I would ever hear of Joe Bolton.

Joe received a Masters from the University of Florida, and a Masters of Fine Arts from the University of Kentucky. His work is the subject of a graduate thesis by Joe Schmidt.... already.... lesson being that the sooner we can pull off dying, the sooner our work can be studied.

His work, I should mention, is quite lovely.

He remains, in his native Kentucky, a bit of a cult classic.

He published three books of poetry: Breckenridge County Suite (1987), Days of Summer Gone (1990), and Last Nostalgia Poems (1987-1990). Last Nostalgia Poems combines the two books, and other unpublished poems.

I would recommend picking up a copy.
I would also recommend not killing yourself.


Interesting. Reminds me of the story of writer Breece D'J Pancake. He put a shotgun in his mouth a month before receiving his degree from the University of Virginia and just as he was beginning to publish heavily.

I heartily recommend Pancake's work by the way. But like Iris, I would not recommend killing yourself.

September 10, 2009 at 9:33 AM  

Instead of killing ourselves, can we just get haircuts? Is that kinda the same?

September 12, 2009 at 10:57 AM  

I could never conform my hairstyle to others. My hair is kind of my thing. It sets me apart, lifts my feet from the ground and arches my back.

September 17, 2009 at 7:49 AM  

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