A history of creative writing programs

Found here.

A brief excerpt of a chat between myself and this article:

New Yorker: Can creative writing be taught?
Me: Ummm...seriously?
New Yorker: Yah, srsly...
Me: Well sure. Have you ever heard of "reading"?
New Yorker: Well, yes, I'm familiar.
Me: Yeah well you get to do that there.
New Yorker: ok...brb
New Yorker: but what about writing, smart guy? :(
Me: Yeah it's the same thing. Reading/writing...makes a thing called "literacy."
New Yorker: Not seeing yr point.
Me: Increased literacy...
New Yorker: Don't follow.
Me: Focused study through reading/writing = increased competency
New Yorker: So...programs teach competence?
Me: brb
Me has signed out.

Hat tip to Mr. Robert Topinka.


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