Our very own Jameelah Lang is the 2009 Writer in Residence for Hub-Bub (a group of artists and writers who formed an immensely successful arts community in “Hub City”, South Carolina)! She is taking the Bathtub to Spartanburg, SC! The HUB-BUB A. I. R. (artists in residence) program brings three visual artists and one creative writer to Spartanburg to live for 11 months, join the staff at HUB-BUB and perform a variety of community service projects for 10-15 hours a week and work on their art, funded! Jammelah will be working with The Hub City Writers Project and blogging, as well as working on her theisis to finish her MFA and walk down the hill with those of us graduating in May. Congratulations and REPRESENT!!!!! More information on the residency (which Jameelah found out about in Chicago at AWP!!) is here: http://www.hub-bub.com/air/.
Whut whut.
CoteS said...
May 11, 2009 at 2:29 PM
Anonymous said...
May 14, 2009 at 11:03 AM